The Importance of Scope

In driving data projects, I find people underestimate the impact of scoping projects effectively.

Too often, you see technology leads with new platforms or tools looking for a problem to solve, or business leads with a unique one-off request from an executive reporting forum carry over to a data team as a priority requirement, whether it is or not.

Project Scope is about clearly defining the work that needs to be done. What level of confidence is there that the scope won’t change throughout the project?

Project Urgency focuses on when the project needs to be done. What are the consequences of not hitting that deadline?

Knowledge Needed highlights the skills, capabilities, and perspectives about the discipline, sector, and organization needed by data transformation experts. Is the outcome worth providing that education?

General Readiness reminds you if your team and leadership are open to this project. Will they have time to implement the project deliverables? Do they have the time to be engaged and advocate for it? Are internal stakeholders or external partners on board?

What other Data Project Tips or suggestions would you offer?


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