4 perspectives to drive effective data translation
data translation Christine Haskell data translation Christine Haskell

4 perspectives to drive effective data translation

When driving data projects, you will encounter business stakeholder challenges that often go unspoken. This is not always because people hold back but because they don't fully know how to vocalize their constraints.

If they can't directly address their requirement, chances are we can't either. To hear others' speech, we start by asking questions from different perspectives.

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Linking Projects to Strategy
Christine Haskell Christine Haskell

Linking Projects to Strategy

It can be challenging when stakeholders cannot translate business questions into technical requirements or do not provide enough context for data teams to do so. From there, the data team is often left to maintain the status of a series of ad hoc projects rather than connect these business questions to a larger more defined data strategy.

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Going Deeper: Making Projects Work
Christine Haskell Christine Haskell

Going Deeper: Making Projects Work

When we live into our best intentions, things that sound like common sense to everyone (like defining needs clearly), there is no end to the impact we can make. Such a seemingly small thing can permeate the mood and morale of the team, the synergy between team members, and raise the performance of the group. Such clarity can literally become the wind needed from behind versus a nasty headwind we feel we have to fight. And the crazy thing? It’s within our control to bring that clarity to every conversation.

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