Rethinking Remote work: again
data trends Christine Haskell data trends Christine Haskell

Rethinking Remote work: again

Virtual work has been going through a shift for over forty years. I know, it’s hard to believe that anything before the 2000s counts. But there were hopes and dreams for flexible hours and work-from-home initiatives as early as the 1970s—they were fringe, but they were there.

Considering what is happening in the world today, it is interesting to note that data is a great enabler of diversity, equity, and inclusion and a general concept of fairness and democratization. Data busts silos and flattens barriers between functions. As this distribution is occurring, there will also be some disruptions.

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Tips and Challenges
Christine Haskell Christine Haskell

Tips and Challenges

As we continue to drive data projects, familiar challenges begin to present themselves. By observing, we can become better diagnosticians of systemic issues. Learn what to avoid and how to navigate them better.

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Resistance and Mitigation Strategies
Christine Haskell Christine Haskell

Resistance and Mitigation Strategies

Change management wouldn’t be so hard if it weren’t for…the people. Open issues or objections left unresolved today cost time down the road. Suppose work starts before these concerns are mitigated. Stakeholders might get frustrated or begin to hold back their participation. Work produced might have difficulty getting implemented. Buy-in realizes impact.

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3 Elements of Effective Sponsorship
Christine Haskell Christine Haskell

3 Elements of Effective Sponsorship

A popular misconception of senior leadership is that effective executive sponsorship is a clearly understood skill. Many assume executives receive developmental feedback about becoming effective sponsors. Sadly, there is little training on sponsorship from middle management on up.

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